Monday, September 9, 2013

You don’t have to be in school to learn!

It took me 35 years and the internet to figure that out.  Do you have any idea the wealth of knowledge there is on the internet?  I was so blown away by the thought that I don’t need to sit in a classroom to learn a subject that it just about knocked me over.  Seems obvious, I know.  I’m slow.  The altruism of the internet is amazing to me.  There are so many FREE tutorials on practically everything that someone somewhere sat down and painstakingly put together.  In the immortal words of Mr. T, "Stay in school! Don't do drugs!" I am not saying you shouldn't go to school by far, but that you aren't limited to a traditional classroom for knowledge. 
Case in point – I had an old sewing machine collecting dust at my grandmother’s house and no idea how to sew two pieces of fabric together.   A few quick Google searches and a hesitant trip to the fabric store for supplies and voila – I made a zipper  pouch.  Can you believe it?  I guess if you sew you can believe it, but if you don’t sew……………………….!  I know, right?  I even lined it. Next I moved on to a few simple skirts for my girls and some PJ pants for my little guy! My next goal is to learn to read a pattern since most everything I’ve done down has just been written directions.   Thanks to a few individuals on the internet and Pinterest to help me bookmark it all, I have plans for sew many projects  (ßDid you see what I did there?)

I'm still new to the blog world, so I don't have any photos on hand, but if I get a little better at this, I'll try to go back and add them.

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