Monday, November 16, 2009


I have finally met my match in stubborness in my 5 year old, Elizabeth. I was changing the sheets on her bed last night before bed. I had put on the Hello Kitty sheets only to discover that she wanted the pink sheets. Well, too bad, the Hello Kitty sheets were already on the bed and I wasn't changing them. After a tearful good night (from her, not me) I went downstairs.

When I came up again in the morning to wake them for school, what do I find? Elizabeth is sleeping on the floor. Rather than sleep on those Hello Kitty sheets underneath her cozy electric blanket, she spent the night in her sleeping bag on the floor. When I woke her she casually said, "I thought I'd sleep on the floor last night." To which I replied, "You really wanted those pink sheets, huh?" As she points to the unslept in bed with the offending Hello Kitty sheets she says, "I hate those sheets." Case closed.

I have to admire her for her resourcefulness in solving her own problem, and her pluck for not backing down. Both will serve her will in years to come, assuming she uses her powers for good. :) But I am also a little nervous for what the teen years will bring if this is how she acts now. God help me.

Tonight I am not sure how I will respond. Should/will I put the pink sheets on to reward her effort, or should I leave the Hello Kitty sheets on to test her resolve? Odds her she will have forgotten all about it by bed time, but only time will tell. Kids are strange animals.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My thing

While William has the knack for making comments that are just slightly off kilter, I have the knack for breaking down a simple process. And by breaking down, I do not mean break up into more managable parts, I mean break down as in broken.

I just have the kind of luck that if something is a long shot; the last possible thing that could ever go wrong, so don't worry about it kind of thing; that ONE thing is the thing that will happen. It is just a gift.

That said, I have spent the whole afternoon at work having an issue corrected that I did not cause and that never should have happened any way. But of course it happened. To me. :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not a hat

I was folding laundry last night and sent my girls upstairs with a pile of their clothes to put away. As I was sitting in the living room folding the next round I hear tons of giggling followed by a shout of, "Special delivery!" I look up and what do I see? My 8 year old with a pair of my thong underwear on top of her head. No, really. The waist band came down to her chin and the, ahem, underwear portion was a line over her nose. She laughed hysterically and I just stood there in stunned silence.

I turned to William and said, "You can't make this stuff up." His response, "Blog."

OMG I can't believe I just posted this on the internet. Thank God I don't use real names.

Monday, November 9, 2009

No time like the present.

We bought a new car this weekend and, in true William fashion, it was almost spur of the moment. He took our old minivan out for a trip to the game store (Gamestop) to trade in some games and on the way home called to tell me to put my shoes on we are going to buy a new car. In his defense, we had been talking about for a few weeks and deciding the best time, but for William, there is no time like the present. Our poor van was making a clanging rattling noise that I am at a loss to describe. It was still running great, but I think it was only a matter of time.

You know the best part of the whole thing, though? Normally I'd be the one in the driver's seat intiating the purchase, approaching the subject, etc. The best was that he took charge and took care of it. He said that he didn't want me in the "old death trap" anymore and then we went out and did something about it. Thanks, babe!

I'm back!

The cold (or whatever it was) that I had is finally letting up and I am starting to feel human again. I'm not gonna lie. I felt really bad for a couple of days. Really bad. But then the fever finally broke and stayed away and I started to claw my way back to normal. Now I sound like I have smoker voice and smoker cough. Now all I need is large sunglasses and to start calling people, Doll-face, after I hand them a hard candy from my purse.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I don't feel good. Coughing, achy and just general ickyness (ickiness?). And William is going on a business trip today not to return until Friday. Is it too much to ask for his work to schedule his trips when I am well? *sigh*

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We signed our girls (ages 8 and 5) up for cheerleading. It wasn't my first choice, but they were thrilled. They have played soccer and a bit of basketball already. I have no problem with cheerleaders in general. Heck, quite a few of my friends growing up cheered at one point or another. I just want them to develop a skill or sport that they can continue throughout their lives for exercise and entertainment. In my opinion, there is nothing entertaining about a 40 year old cheerleader. :) I wish that I had cultivated my own interest in sports, but I was too girly and afraid to look dumb back in the day. Thus, at this point in the game, I DO look dumb when playing any sports because I didn't develop the hobby.

We signed them up through an organization called Upward. I am really pleased with them. They are a Christian based group that stresses the importance of healthy competition, skill building and fun. I am excited for the girls to be involved with them. If they want to cheer, I think this is a good environment to start in. However, it will seem weird going to a basketball game on purpose to watch the cheerleaders. . . . .

Monday, November 2, 2009

William's favorite store

William has a hard time at Walmart. He swears that everyone there wears sweatpants with holes and that the children all have kool-aid stains around their mouths. Oh, and I almost forgot about the pastey skin and the sores on their hands. (??) I try to convince him that not everyone that shops Walmart is from that particular demographic (or a lepper), but the people at this website are not helping my case. . . .

Go ahead, click it. But I will warn you: it is a train wreck. You'll spend at least 30 minutes on there trying to convince yourself, no, PRAYING that the pics you see are photoshopped.

Wait. . . . what?

My husband has been trying to convince me for months to blog about the things that he says to me. I AM always telling him that he says the most off the wall things at the most ridiculous times, so maybe he's right. Intro the blog: Yes. He really said that. I decided to share my wonderful husband's quirkiness with the world. I have changed all names to protect the innocent (and the wicked!)

Today's offering from my husband, William:

Is there anything better than sliced, Land 'O Lakes, American, deli cheese? I think not. It must be because the milk they use naturally contains "America", unlike the processed cheese that has to add imitation "America".

I love that man.